Call for Papers!

mnNOG-5: Call for Papers
The following is an open call for presentations for the conference sessions for the 5th Mongolia Network Operators Group (mnNOG) being hosted as a hybrid event on 18th September 2023.
Important dates regarding the Call for Papers:
Call for Presentations Opens 2nd June 2023
First Draft Programme Published 15th August 2023
Deadline for proposals 4th September 2023
Final Acceptance notifications 7th September 2023
mnNOG5 Conference 18th September 2023
mnNOG5 Workshops 19th to 23rd September 2023
Conference Presentation
The mnNOG-5 is a one-day event that includes technical sessions and possibly panel discussions. You are invited to propose talks that you think are relevant to the Internet operational and research community.
Note: Any marketing, sales, and vendor proprietary content in presentation is against the spirit of mnNOG and it is strictly prohibited.
The topics given below are not exclusive. Presentations are expected to be no more than 25 minutes long and with suitable technical content.
- Network Operations
- IPv6 deployment and transition technologies
- Data Center Technologies, Virtualisation
- COVID-19 related network challenges – network scaling, performance, teleworking, online/distance learning, security
- Access and transport networks including Cable/DSL, LTE/5G, wireless, metro ethernet, fibre, segment routing
- Network security issues and BCPs
- SDN, NFV, and network automation
- Content & service delivery (Multicast, Voice, Video, Telepresence, Gaming)
- ccTLDs, gTLDs, IDNs
- IXPs and Peering
- Internet of Things (IoT) architectures, standards, services, security, addressability, and manageability
- Open source tools and practices
- Power System design
- Any case studies or learning related to operational technologies that you want to share with the community
Draft slides MUST be provided with submissions otherwise the Program Committee will be unable to review the submission. For work in progress, the most current information available at the time of submission is acceptable.
All draft slides submitted for PC review must be in PDF or PPT format only.
The mnNOG conference will be conducted in the Mongolian language, but submissions and presentations in the English language are most welcome from international speakers.
Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the mnNOG Program Committee by email
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the mnNOG5.
mnNOG5 Programme committee
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