Become a sponsor of the mnNOG-5 Conference

Sponsorship Benefits

Become a sponsor of the mnNOG-5 Conference

Sponsoring the mnNOG-5 Conference gives you:

  • Unique marketing and brand exposure both in-person and online
  • Opportunity to make valuable contacts and increase sales and visibility to the Mongolian Internet community
  • Access to influential Internet professionals and the local multistakeholder community

Event:                         Conference and Workshop        
Venue:                        Ulaanbaatar Hotel
Date:                           18th and 23rd of September 2023

Conference: 18th of September 2023
Expected participants:~120

Workshop: 19-23th of September 2023

  • Network security and packet analysis
  • Routing Infrastructure and Security Operations Workshop
  • Network Automation for Network Engineers

Expected participants:~90


Sponsorship packagesPlatinum (1)Gold (3)Silver
Sponsorship amount /USD/7,0003,5002,000
Logo on Conference T-Shirt
(Co-Branding with Event)
Lanyard & Logo on Back of Delegate Badges
(Co-Branding with Event)
Display of company pull up banners at selected areas (stand)YesYesNo
During the conference, a dedicated room/area for your branding and customer meetingRoomareaNo
Desktop Display for you brandingYesNoNo
Logo on Conference publicationsYesYesYes
Complimentary pass for Workshop432
Complimentary pass for Conference321
Logo Listing on Event BackdropYesYesYes
Logo Listing on Event Website and Facebook pageYesYesYes


Спонсорын багцPlatinum (1)Gold (3)SilverIn-Kind Sponsor*
Ивээн тэтгэх хэмжээ /₮/20,000,00010,000,0005,000,000Network connectivity, Coffee kiosk etc
Арга хэмжээний цамц дээр лого хэвлэн сурталчилахYesYesYes
Оролцогсдын мандат болон оосор дээр лого хэвлэн сурталчилахYesYesYes
Чуулга уулзалтын үеэр өөрсдийн сурталчилгаа байрлуулж уулзалт хийх тусгай өрөө/талбайӨрөөТалбай 
Уулзалтын өрөөнд дэлгэц байрлуулахYes
Чуулга уулзалтын үеэр байрлуулах босоо баннер хэвлэл21 
Арга хэмжээний бүх хэвлэлүүдэд логог байршуулж сурталчилахYesYesYes
Сургалтад оролцох эрх4321
Чуулга уулзалтад оролцох эрх (Урилга)321
Арга хэмжээний том хэвлэлд логог байршуулж сурталчилахYesYesYesYes
Арга хэмжээний вэбсайт, сошиал постод ивээн тэтгэгчийн мэдээллийг оруулах.YesYesYesYes

An invoice will be sent to you after we receive our signed application form. Full payment of the invoice must be made by the date specified on the invoice. Download application form below