
Anurag Bhatia

Network Researcher

Anurag Bhatia works at global IP transit and datacenter provider Hurricane Electric and is based in India. His expertise is around DNS, BGP routing, anycast and IPv6.

09.00 - 17.00 Workshop

Workshop 19-23 Sep

Network Automation for Network Engineers

This training course introduces the principles of Network Automation for network engineers who wish to learn more about automating many of the tedious tasks involved in the day to day operation of a network. The course introduces
- Docker,
- Ansible,
- GIT,
- and the writing of playbooks to carry out tasks. It also covers the integration of common network tools and Gitlab CI/CD pipelines.

14:00-15:30 Conference

Conference 18th Sep

Technical Updates 2

  • Network automation & SOAR - Dashzeveg Baatartsogt (Information Security Analyst at Unitel Group)
  • OS upgrade by network automation tools - Batmagnai Erdene (Network Engineer at Mobicom LLC)
  • Open Source SD-WAN - Dave Phelan (Senior Network Analyst/Network Operations Trainer at APNIC)
  • Open source VPN with IPv6 - Anurag Bhatia (Network Researcher at Hurricane Electric)